Tax Credits

School Tax Credits

Take Advantage of the Tax Credit Law

The Arizona tax law (ARS 43-1089.01) allows taxpayers a tax credit* of up to $400 per household if they contribute to extracurricular activities in public schools. The tax credit is available to all taxpayers, regardless of whether they have children in school. Check out the Arizona Department of Revenue School Tax Credit brochure for information from the Arizona Department of Revenue Publications.

What is an Extracurricular Activity?

Extracurricular activities are school-sponsored activities that require enrolled students to pay a fee in order to participate, including fees for band uniforms, equipment or uniforms for varsity athletic activities, scientific laboratory materials, and in-state or out-of-state trips that are solely for competitive events. Activities such as sports, visual and performing arts, special programs, field trips, clubs, outdoor education, gifted programs, or classroom enrichment programs can be funded with tax credit money.

Tax Credit vs. Tax Deduction—What's the Difference?

Contributions to public schools have always been tax deductible. A tax deduction allows you to subtract the amount of a contribution from the amount of your taxable income. A tax credit is a dollar for dollar reduction in the actual tax owed. For example, if you owe $800 in state income taxes and you donate $200 to a public school for extracurricular activities, you may subtract the $200 from your tax bill and pay the state just $600. If you are due a refund from state income tax, you will receive an additional refund amount (up to the amount of your tax credit donation.) Please note: A maximum of $400 donation per household may be claimed for a tax credit in any one year.

Who is Eligible?

This tax credit is available to all Arizona individual taxpayers regardless of whether or not they have children in school. An individual can contribute and receive a tax credit for any amount up to $200. A married couple filing jointly can contribute and receive a tax credit for any amount up to $400. Please take advantage of this tax credit, and help support our children and our school.

Does It Have to Be $400 or $200?

The amount you contribute does not have to be for the total allowable amount of $400 or $200. You can make a difference in our schools with just $50, $75, or $100. In addition, the credit may be split between one or more schools. For example, you may donate $100 to the middle school and $100 to the high school.

How Can I Take Advantage of the Tax Credit?

Simply complete the detachable form on this page, and return or mail it to: St. David Schools, P.O. Box 70, St. David, AZ 85630 by April 15.