Health Services

We care about the well being of our students and staff and strive to provide the best health care possible for them. The St. David Unified School District is committed to providing school environments that promote and protect children’s health, well-being, and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity. Therefore, it is the policy of the St. David Unified School District that:

  • The school district will engage students, parents, teachers, food service professionals, health professionals, and other interested community members in developing, implementing, monitoring, and reviewing district-wide nutrition and physical education activities.

  • All students in grades K–12 will have opportunities, support, and encouragement to be physically active on a regular basis.

  • Foods and beverages sold or served at school will meet the nutrition recommendations of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

  • Qualified child nutrition professionals will provide students with access to a variety of affordable, nutritious, and appealing foods that meet the health and nutrition needs of students; will accommodate the religious, ethnic, and cultural diversity of the student body in meal planning; and will provide clean, safe, and pleasant settings and adequate time for students to eat.

  • Schools in our district will participate in available federal school meal programs, when applicable.

  • Schools will provide nutrition education and physical education to foster lifelong habits of healthy eating and physical activity and will establish linkages between health education and school meal programs and with related community services.

Please read our full wellness policy statement. For health services related questions, please feel free to call or email us. Any member of our school district may participate in the development, review, and implementation of our wellness policy. Email Randy Crum (Wellness Coordinator) for more information.

Coordinated School Health Council

The Coordinated School Health Council meets quarterly to review annual plans and to determine what needs exist in our schools that warrant further attention.

Current members of the council updated 8/23/24:

  • Randy Crum, Staff Wellness Coordinator, CSHC Chairman

  • Jennifer Lopshire - Nutrition Services

  • Aubri Jacquez, R.N., District Nurse & Health Professions Educator

  • Susan Pritchard - Elementary School Representative

  • Matt Brogan, Coach

  • Laree Green, High School Representative

  • Greg Barker, High School Representative

  • Claudia Barreto, High School Representative

Wellness Committee Meeting notes 8/23/24: Discussion of elementary Field Day May 21: Middle school have their own activity that day. Kindergarten sign up for field day, seniors will be gone. Introduction of school-wide breakfast program: nutrition education through making good healthy breakfast choices. Possible assemblies on vaping, nutrition. --Randy Crum

School Immunization Policy

  • Children must have proof of all required immunizations or a valid exemption in order to attend the first day of school. Arizona law allows exemptions for medical reasons, laboratory evidence of immunity, and personal beliefs. Exemption forms are available at the Arizona Department of Health Services website. Homeless students are allowed a 5-day grace period.

  • The record for each vaccine dose must include the date and name of doctor or clinic.

  • The statutes and rules governing school immunization requirements are: Arizona Revised Statutes 15-871 - 874; Arizona Administrative Code, R9-6-701 – 708.

  • Please take a look at the immunization schedule, and be sure your child is on target and up to date with all of the important, required immunizations.

  • For additional information, we invite you to visit the Tapi website to read Why Immunize.

  • Parents can access immunization records on the Arizona Department of Health Services website.

School Health Services Staff:

Aubri Jacquez, R.N.
School Nurse/Health Professions Educator